Home » Arbonne Green Gut Glow

Arbonne Green Gut Glow

“Mix and go with Green Gut Glow”! Less bloating and glowing skin. 

We all say it every year, but I’ll say it again: *How* is it a new year tomorrow? And where did this year go? I’m still stuck in 2020 if I’m being honest :’’) A new year signals a fresh start, a new beginning. Health is the foundation of all of us – without it, we cannot have fun, can’t function, can’t work, can’t be productive… the list is endless. What better time to start making concrete changes to your health and eating habits than the new year? New year, New habit? The greatest cliche of them all, but if you’re looking to reform your habits, Jan is the month to do it.

Now, as a caveat, I truly believe that if you’re going to make a new habit, it is better to start implementing it *now*, rather than saying “Oh I’ll start on Monday” or “I’ll start in the new month” or “I’ll start in the new yer” etc. If there is something that is bugging you about your habits and behaviours, the best time to start making changes is now. Time is precious so we shouldn’t put off best practices for the future. However, given that the New Year is traditionally the time to officially make positive changes, and many of us still do, I thought that today’s blog post should highlight this! 


Arbonne is a plant powered company, grounded in science, aiming to provide a holistic approach to nutrition, skincare and wellbeing. Products are vegan, cruelty free and formulated without gluten. What I love the most, is that whilst you are consuming the energy elixir, or putting on the sheet mask, you know that the ingredients are natural and products are formulated rigorously with scientists. You will feel good both during and after using the products. We only have one life, and we should cherish what we put in and on our bodies. Arbonne respects this and caters for exactly this. 

I would like to say a big thank you to Natalia (@wellnesswithnatalia_) for introducing me to this holistic brand about a year ago now! If you’d like to hear more about the Arbonne philosophy, see some nutrition insights, and gain further insight into a plant based lifestyle, I would recommend messaging her on instagram! 

I blogged about the fizz sticks and sheet mask here.

Today’s post shines the light on the Green Gut Glow… 

The Green Gut bundle contains:

  • BeWell Superfood Greens 
  • GutHealth Digestion & Microbiome Support
  • SkinElixir Collagen Builder

Find it here!  


  1. Pick your favourite glass – I love mine from Anthropologie 
  2. Add about 250ml of water to your glass 
  3. Add 1 SkinElixir Collagen Builder pack to the mixture
  4. Add 1 scoop of BeWell Superfood Greens 
  5. Add 1 GutHealth stick

You can also combine this mixture into a smoothie or smoothie bowl for a truly nutritious explosion! 

Make sure not to exceed the recommended daily intake of one of these portions (1 stick + 1 scoop + 1 stick = 1 daily serving) a day! 

Also, make sure to use room temperature water – do not use hot water ! This is because higher temperatures can harm the Bacillus coagulant in the GutHealth stick. 

Good to know

  • It’s Gluten Free
  • Vegan certified 
  • Kosher certified 
  • B corp certified 

I like to have my Green Gut Glow drink in the afternoon as a mid-afternoon drink instead of reaching for yet another coffee!



Above image courtesy of Arbonne

If you are finding it hard to consume enough fruits and veggies in your diet, then this powder is sure to help. 

  • Maybe you’re in a rush and haven’t mastered meal prepping yet so don’t get a variety of veggies in your diet. 
  • Maybe you don’t like the taste of veggies (I can’t relate here but my bro sure can). 
  • Or, maybe you just want to gain even more vitamins from a variety of veggies (yes, that’s me).

Whatever the reason, the BeWell Superfood Greens can help!

This powerhouse of a powder contains 36 fruits and veggies! Yes, you heard right, 36! Find out more about exactly what’s inside here

A colourful explosion featuring…

    • Spirulina – full of vitamins + minerals + an antioxidant 
    • Chlorella – helps to detox
    • Wheat Grass – boosts immunity
    • Barley Grass – boosts strength + endurance 
    • Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, Artichoke – aid in digestion
    • Alfalfa – contains vit K
    • Provide Vitamins A, K and E  
  • REDS:
    • Pomegranate, Cherry, Red Coffee Bean and Tomato 
    • Provide Flavonoids and Polyphenol
  • BLUES:
    • From Blueberry, Blackcurrant, Purple Sweet Potato, Elderberry
    • Provide Resveratrol
    • Pumpkin, Carrot, Sweet Potato, Papaya, Mango 
    • Provide bioflavonoids and Alpha-Carotene and Beta-Carotene 

The powder is sweetened with cane sugar and stevia but does not contain fructose corn syrup. It’s also free from dairy, soy or gluten. 



Above image courtesy of Arbonne
Above image courtesy of Arbonne

This powder contains Bacillus coagulans, botanicals and enzymes to support digestion and ensure less bloat. I truly can confirm that since using this, I have experienced less bloat. Admittedly, I changed other lifestyle factors as well, and I do believe that as well as having standalone independent effects, these factors have codependent effects too. To help reduce bloating, I’d also recommend going for walks after eating. Let me know if you’d like to see a dedicated blog post on bloating as I do have a few helpful tips I can share. 

When should I take Gut Health(/Green Gut Glow)?

You can take the Gut Health at different times of the day. It’s great in the AM to calm down your digestion for the day ahead. One of the most optimal times to take the Gut Health is before a large, hard to digest meal. This is because the enzymes, pre-biotics and probiotics combination helps your digestive system.


What is Bacillus coagulant, exactly? It is a strain of probiotics; bacteria which help you digest your food! This specific strain can help with many gut issues including, symptoms of IBS and inflammation.

Arbonne’s Gut Health contains only this one strain of bacteria. However, many other brands on the market have multiple strains of bacteria in their gut products. Indeed, our own gut has >500 strains of bacteria. Arbonne’s Gut Health actually has a *benefit* over the other products. Bacteria compete with each other and so having more than one strain wouldn’t actually be beneficial.


Arbonne’s Gut Health contains chicory root – a prebiotic, which is needed for the bacteria to live.

How should I take Gut Health (/Green Gut Glow)?

NOTE: If you’re taking the Gut Health alone, or in the Green Gut Glow drink, make sure that you don’t use hot water/liquids! This is because this can kill the bacteria.



Above image courtesy of Arbonne
Above image courtesy of Arbonne

This beauty contains Vitamin C, which contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function skin, bones and cartilages. It also contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Biotin ensures maintenance of skin and hair. It’s formulated without artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. 

Have you tried the Green Gut Glow? What do you think? Keep your eyes peeled for a wellness reel coming soon! What other habits and new year resolutions have you made? Let me know! Lots of love, Jo xoxo 

PS. Post does NOT use affiliate links.