Home » Dating Diaries: Fun London Dates

Dating Diaries: Fun London Dates

A few months ago I received a DM from a follower on my personal account, asking me for my advice on date ideas in London. The girl he was taking on a date was a foodie, loved baking, and was partial to wine/ gin tasting. My food blog area of expertise! 

Now, bare in mind I did not know the guy; he was a ‘friend of a friend of a friend of a friend…’. But no fear, Avocadjojo wanted to spread the love, and help this guy who she did not know plan a date for a girl she did not know! A real life cupid, if you will. lol. Here’s to hoping karma is real. 

Sure enough, I posted this on my insta story, and was inundated with guy friends and distant guy friends I haven’t spoken to in ages asking for date ideas! I kid you not. So, this little initial DM inspired me to make a few date guides for London. 

Enjoy! The first one, ‘fun first dates’…because we all know watching a movie in silence on the first date you learn n-o-t-h-i-n-g about your crush…and m.a.y.b.e. a restaurant is a bit too inTenSe for a guy/ girl you have never met? So, take note, or drop the hints & enjoy!

Lots of love, Jo xoxo

P.S. I have since been informed that said guy is with the mystery girl… I shall take full credit + that it’s due to the dating bucket lists 😉


Photo courtesy of instagram @aireancientbaths_uk

A magical underground maze of spa pools… this will inevitably be a sensual date. Dark and moody, lit by burnt orange candles nestled in the brick walls. Soothing melodies play in the background. This is sure to be a winner. 


Photo courtesy of instagram @swingersldn

I’ll keep this caption PG, put the number of puns I could write…. 👀 9 holes, 4 cocktail bars, 4 fast food stands (think Patty&Bun and Hackney Gelato)…. who wouldn’t want a game of tipsy golf? 


Photo courtesy of instagram @skunaboats

Hot Tub Boats on a first date? Well, that went from 0 to 100, real quick. Drive your date in a wood-fired hot tub around Canary Wharf … Add some alcohol, and you’ll soon (almost) forget you’re in London. Yes, this is the thing of movies. And, yes, why can’t you be the main character of said movie? 


Photo courtesy of instagram @upattheo2

Feel the rush of adrenaline… Climb the O2 and enjoy Champagne when you reach the peak! Time it with the sunset and *chef’s kiss*. Who isn’t a sucker for rooftop views? But this is a step up from the traditional rooftop bar, rooftop dinner, or view from your favourite tower. It’s a winner by my books for sure. 


Photo courtesy of instagram @allstarlanes

No caption needed. Just don’t use the ramps and bumpers if you want a second date. 


Photo courtesy of instagram @thegridldn

Ok ok, maybe this is more of a second or third date idea… but who doesn’t love escape rooms? And not just any escape room… the escape includes 2 drinks… yes, a tipsy escape room….


Photo courtesy of instagram @driveinsunsetcinema

Not your traditional cinema. It’s an American inspired vintage experience. Pull up, grab a Dirty Bones burger, popcorn, and you’re good to go! Just make sure you’ve got a seating issue plan.