Home » Matcha Pilattes: My Philanthropic Wellness Brand

Matcha Pilattes: My Philanthropic Wellness Brand

It’s been brewing… and here it is! Matcha Pilattes. A wellness brand with a strong social ethos. We “match” with charity donations. We also invite you to matcha “latte” and pilates meet ups, helping to reduce London’s endemic lonliness crisis.


Tackling youth homelessness: Studying in Cambridge, and living in London, Jo saw the stark discrepancy between those with and without wealth. With each purchase Matcha Pilattes “matches” with a charity donation to youth homelessness charity Centrepoint; 10% of profits from each sale will be donated to the charity. You can also make your donations here.

Tackling the endemic loneliness crisis: Moving to a new town or city, out of university, it can be hard to meet people with the same interests as you. It can feel a little lonely. How can it be that in such big cities you can still feel so alone? Therefore, with each “drop” being capped, customers become part of an exclusive community with the potential to attend specific “drop” meet ups, to meet likeminded wellness enthusiasts and bond.


Drop 1 features pilates socks. You can find the socks here. Iconic black and white ankle socks bearing the “Matcha Pilattes” branding invites you to the little pilates wellness community. I’m super excited to organise the pilates meet up for those with the socks!


Drop 2 is brewing … keep your eyes peeled for the next Matcha Pilattes gift, charity match and matcha meet up! 

Which drop would you like to see next? Let me know in the comments or drop me a message!

Lots of love, Jo xoxo

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